Thursday 12 January 2012

Preparing to migrate

The time has nearly come to head north of the border. I will be packing a huge bag or too stuffed full of all those lovely M.E. things that keep me warm and dry, yes the green suit will be out and probably the new blue one too! The pointy sharp things will also be going in........really hoping to get some routes done.
Conditions are looking pretty rubbish, doesn't seem like winter is really happening at the moment but fingers crossed it'll be back with a vengeance before my "holiday" time is over.
Firstly I've got a bit of work to deal with, University of Derby students next week and then Cotswold staff on Mountain Equipment winter skills courses. Should all be good so long as the total wet ming weather stays away!
A couple of days on the BMC International Meet squeezed in between and then it's Lukasz's Photography Workshop - still a couple of places left book here.

Meanwhile in between helping my parents rip their new house apart I've been getting down to Manchester Climbing Centre and Awesome Walls Stockport for some training sessions mostly with Jonny G the BMC/MLTE Training Officer who appeared with a little present this week......

A good way to keep track of exactly what I've been doing in all those sessions, and hopefully when everything works really well this year I'll be able to look back and see exactly what I did and then improve for next year.
Thanks Jon.


mark reeves said...

Hi Andy, I have almost finished coding an online version of the log. Hopefully it will allow people to not just look at there training but see the results. Will forward you a link when its online, next week maybe?!

Andy Turner said...

That'd be good thanks Mark.I'm prob not gonna get to fill it in too much whilst up north anyway!